The Southside Finn
I am known as the Finlander from southside. That is why this most valued site on the web is called the Southside Finn. You see the southside of Aberdeen, Washington, is one of those places that are great to be from. If one were to live in Aberdeen, the southside is the place to be, there are no snoots is southside. We are getting more and more into making banners, for people. If you want a banner just email me and tell me the URL of your web site, and sign my guest book and I will make you a banner. If you need some other type of graphic let me know and we can arrange something. As a rule I will place a banner I make on this site for a link to yours. I also will help you in web design and will design pages with all custom made graphics. Below on the links you will find where I have designed or helped folks with graphics and or page design.
I have a page dedicated to the Baritone Horn. It is the horn I played in The Aberdeen Bobcat Marching Band, and Grays Harbor College and Community Bands. A fine Horn it is.
I used to be a fan of Michelob beer and Henry Weinhard's Private Reserve Beer, but now my beer of choice is Fosters.
But the cold drink I ask for all of the time is Coke-a-Cola.
4:1-3 New English Bibile
The day comes, glowing like a furnace; all the arrogant and the evildoers shall be chaff, and that day when it comes shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of Hosts, it shall leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings, and you shall break loose like calves released from the stall. On the day that I act, you shall trample down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, says the Lord of Hosts. |
15 Jun 2004 05:48:42 -0700
You have been the number below surfer to groove to this site! Thanks for stopping by!